
Open Source and .NET at MonkeySpace 2012

I flew to Boston last week to attend MonkeySpace, a community-driven event dedicated to open source software projects in the .NET technology ecosystem. The Mono stack is obviously a prominent part of that landscape, but the conference attendees came from a wide range of technical backgrounds—reflecting the diversity of the broader .NET community. I enjoyed many of the talks that were given at the conference, particularly Chris Hardy’s introduction to iOS 6 features, Michael Hutchinson’s MonoDevelop tip walkthrough, Aaron Bockover’s overview of the Vernacular localization system.

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Joining Xamarin

After seven fantastic years at Ars Technica, I’ve decided that it’s time for new challenges and new opportunities. I’m really pleased to announce that I’m joining Xamarin’s developer relations team as a technology evangelist. Some of the best and most exciting innovation in the field of software is happening on mobile devices. Tools that accelerate mobile development and boost the portability of existing code can unlock a ton of value. I’ve seen developers build some great things with Xamarin.

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